Tasting excitement and smelling success!

Nothing feels like the flesh of the one we love, desire and crave. It is like a healing touch coming from God himself that embraces and revitalizes in such a gentle and sublime way. The development of trust and the natural unfolding of very unique events that lead us into the path from which we shall not want to return. … Read More

She is an angel walking the earth…

I listen to her voice in ecstasy, my mind spinning, thoughts bursting, and emotions uncontrolled. Euphoric and mesmerized as her joyful giggle takes me far into an alternate reality that I only wish to be consumed by. I pray and I beg to the forces unknown to give me the power to live this memory in an eternal instance of … Read More

Shattered Heart!

Oh my Goddess, my deity. I suffer and linger without the comfort of my true love. No mortal being shall have a shattered heart broken in more pieces than mine. Bestow upon me one of your kisses to infuse me with eternal life. Take me out of agony and bring me back to life, revive me now with a touch … Read More

The memory of you!

I do not care that people think that I am weird when they see me staring at empty space for in my mind I am staring at the vivid memory of gorgeous you. Your eyes sparkling and piercing my very soul, mesmerizing and bewitching me with a love that goes beyond words can say, making me dream of dreaming with … Read More

Goddess in my sight!

Today I ask for light, to have sight beyond sight. Today I want love to heal a broken heart. Now I ask you, would you let me look into your eyes. Now I beg of you, pour yourself into my heart. Come take my soul, let it not wander in vain, come join me in this quest, let us be … Read More

An angel in disguise!

Her voice like a melody, her skin like petals from a rose. I find myself lost in thought. Could it be real, is she tangible in flesh and bone? My mind lucid, with the vision of a deity, a supreme being, intoxicating my senses. Is she palpable? Is it possible? Could I be dreaming or hypnotized by a subtle power … Read More

While you sleep, my Dulcinea.

If loneliness I would want, to the sea or mountain I would go, but my heart seeks your company. If quietness and silence I would be looking for, I would not be biting my lips with pain and desperation trying to charm you with my words. It is not loneliness or quietness, it is only your bewitching love I seek. … Read More

If ever you see her…

If ever a smile caused so much happiness, if ever a face brought so much joy, if ever the thought of her make the heart beat faster, if ever she was present, smiling and giggling with joy, If ever I was in her presence filled with happiness, filled with joy, with a heart beating faster, I would be giggling, mesmerized, … Read More

All that is you

May your gorgeous smile light up this world. May your gorgeous eyes be a guiding light to those in the dark. May the sight of you be the hope of all that is good and amazing! May God keep you this gorgeous forever. May it be my fate to be in your presence. May it be our destiny to be … Read More

Love in the past, present, and future.

To the love that was, cherish the good memories. To the love that is, nourish it and make it everlasting and fulfilling. Let it fall on you like summer rain. To the love that will be, let it take you by surprise, may it be eternal and beyond the end of times. Let it take you to new heights of … Read More