Here you will find, confessions from my own experience interacting with women, a man’s point of view (a gentleman’s that is) from my perspective of how a woman and a man should go about interacting into whatever may come, a random encounter at a bar, a simple conversation on a train or bus, the adventurous world of dating, loving, being silly and having fun.
If you ever been heart broken, left hanging, stood up, disconnected, etc…, well we will explore that too. We will take a look at the expectations and reactions from both side of the gender. Conclusions will be drawn and arguments may arise.
At the end of the day I will give you my opinion or best advice so that we grow wiser as we interact with the other gender. It is my intention to be neither judge nor jury, at best it is to show that we have expectations, disappointments, and weaknesses that with a little positive attitude and some experience we can turn into moments of joy and strength.
Here I am going to be delving in the interactions and relationships of women and men as they occur in our everyday life.
At your service yours truly,
Franklin Peña
life as I see it…
All written content on this site is the intellectual property of yours truly, Franklin Peña and under © Copyright laws.